Wednesday 20 June 2012

Final CryENGINE Environment

I chose to Model My environment off of the Royal National Park. A river runs through the centre of the park and the forest around it is dense. 

The Coca-Cola Head-office seen through the rotating arches of the central bridge. The distinct red colour of Coca-Cola vivid against the earth tones of the environment.

The faint hint of Facebooks blue colour highlights the leading edge of the Facebook head office

The elevator midway through its descent

The group dining table perched on a cantilevered platform over the river, this position gives the people on it a sense of ownership and power over the landscape.

Peer Reviews

Exp 3- Draft Cryengine Environments

I found it difficult to acheive a realistic contour of the land in a few of my first draft environments.

Exp 3- Sketchup model

Sunday 6 May 2012

CryENGINE 3 Environment

View of the Monument from where the students would enter

The monument in the distance from the nearby waterfall

A view looking up at the monument from the sea below

Looking out of the monument back towards the entry

The framed moderate view of the waterfall at the opposite side of the bay

Link to CryENGINE environment